About Alexa :)

About Me! :DD

Personal Information

Hello there, my name is Alexa and this is my about me!
I am currently genderfluid and my default pronouns are She/He/They. I am 13 years old and Im turning 14 in september. I've only been in British Columbia for about 2 years, almost 3 now. I was born in Edmonton Alberta and I lived there until I was 11. I have 2 sibling and a lot of cousins. I have 1 sister and 1 brother, both older than me. I personally think I'm closer to my sister but my parents say I'm more like my brother.

Physical Appearance

I am a Chinese Filipino who is only 5'3" :(. I have dyed hair that was supposed to be purple but looks more red now. I have brown eyes and I actually have the lightest in my whole family. I like to wear what ever clothes I find first so most of the time I look homeless :D.

What I Like and Dislike

I like animals, drawing, sleeping, talking to friend or hanging out with friends, reading, writing, coding, playing games, Valorant :), and being lazy. I dislike a lot of things that I can't think of right now like bugs, bitter things, and more.

My Adobe Illusrtator Projects! :DD
My Adobe Photoshop Projects! :>>